Top 10 Fonts We Love To Hate

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Stop using these fonts immediately people.

Okay, let me first say that I have used each and every one of these type faces. Some are considered “classics”.  I won’t mention any names, but even one of our clients uses number 6 on our list in their logo. Number 7 on our list was the title font for the movie Avatar and didn’t seem to hinder the highest grossing film ever…$2,467,962,011 and counting! But, I guess the many years of seeing these fonts used and overused (sometimes used all at once on the same page) has made my love turn to..well let’s say a strong dislike. Without further delay, the top 10 fonts that make us cringe…

Top 10 ugliest fonts

Don’t feel too bad for these ugly fonts, people love and use them every day…
and if you see these people please tell them to stop!

5 thoughts on “Top 10 Fonts We Love To Hate

  1. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw the sneak peek trailers of Avatar way back when using papyrus. You’d think they would have earmarked a budget to create a custom font!

  2. In total agreement. This is the “go to” list every desktop guy uses to “design” in word! One of my all-time hated fonts (although does look good on Charlie Brown) is Cooper. I have a love hate with Hobo as I used it in my first ever design project in design school, but it was press on letters back then and i never could get that kerning quite right!

  3. Broadway should be permanently banned. Everywhere!
    I enjoyed the list and found myself nodding in agreement.
    Funny stuff!

  4. I am appalled at this list. Why only yesterday I used all ten fonts in a logo.
    I’ll be sure to send you the brochures and other support materials
    so you can tell me what you think.
    I loves me some Hobo.

  5. This is a great list John. I agree with all but must say I like Brushscript.
    I would replace Brushscript with Zapf Chauncery

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