BlackDog Turns Trash Into Treasure

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The city of Boston draws more than 18 million visitors per year, and it’s often a challenge to grab their attention amid the hustle and bustle.


The little trolleys created quite a buzz around Boston. Hotel and street vendors reported an increased guest response, as people directly mentioned the one-of-a-kind recycling bins while purchasing tickets. Also Increased Ridership, website traffic and online branded searches.

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Image of Boston Recycling Bin Graphics For Outdoor Advertising Campaign for Old Town Trolley

It was BlackDog Advertising’s job to show visitors that there’s a better way to see the city aboard Old Town Trolley Tours of Boston.

We teamed up with our client and searched the city for unique possibilities. By re-imagining state-of-the-art Vector Media recycling bins into miniature versions of the orange and green Old Town Trolley, we found what we were looking for in an environmentally-friendly place.

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